We believe that our company and products speak for themselves but we might be a little biased, so here is what other people are saying.
“I have been able to dramatically reduce my use of synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, and wetting agents. I use little more than CBX, poultry manure, and a light amount of calcium nitrate once or twice during winter. My property is in as good as if not better shape than other local properties that have much higher budgets. All the while maintaining Silver level certification with the Audubon International and using much less water.”
T.J. Winzler
The Sanctuary Golf Club
“The product is a very effective tool for consuming thatch and organic material in both turf and water features”.
Jay Pock
Whisper Rock
“When I started at Desert Canyon I stopped using CBX because I was unfamiliar with the product. I knew the greens here had had problems with fairy ring but I had my own program for treating the course which did not include CBX. After several months the fairy ring returned on greens all over the property. My assistant suggested trying CBX because, in his words, “We didn’t have fairy ring while we were using CBX in the past.” I began using CBX and our fairy ring problem was managed. I have used it ever since.”
Daniel Thompson
Desert Canyon
“I have built and grown in golf courses all over the world for the last 25 years and have never grown one that germinated and lost so few sprigs as this course while using CBX. I am able to maintain excellent playing conditions while using 30% less water than my neighbors. I would never grow another course in without CBX.”
Thomas Fredrick
The Springs at Borrego
“I was able to forego the application of gypsum for an entire year using CBX to manage sodium levels. The annual savings by not making this application was over $15,000. I was also able to save a tremendous amount of water in excess of 25%.”
Sergio Padilla
The Legacy Golf Resort
“We have been able to provide pristine water conditions in our customers’ lakes and water features by the use of CBX in conjunction with a flocculating agent, moving algae down through the water column where CBX consumes it. None of our water features where CBX is in use have an odor problem including features using reclaimed water."
Steve Walters
Environmental Water Works