CBX was to be applied on two specific areas of the DesertWise Study; one of the four retention basins along the eastern edge of the property and the Softball field in the center of the park.

Prior to the application of CBX, in the third retention basin, there was minimal perculation of runoff water. It often took months to drain when filled and required the basins to be pumped out, allowing evaporation to clear the water. The turf in this area was unhealthy and the soil was very difficult to probe, many weeds were in evidence.

The softball field featured the ability of CBX in partnership with a “smart” irrigation timer. Determing CBX’s ability to improve the efficient use of water as well as the ability of the area to remediate the effects of high sodium found in the soil and the water was paramount. Prior to CBX application the softball field suffered from fairy ring, noxious weed infestation, compacted soil conditions, poor water penetration, poor turf growth, and high salts. The test results below show what happened after the application of CBX.


Results of the soil amendment test were mixed. Out of all the products, CBX and Organic Gem performed the best. Not only did they help retain soil moisture longer, increasing irrigation intervals 2-3 days beyond the schedule set by the SMART irrigation controller before amendment applications, but they improved soil health by reducing salts and maintaining a fairly consistent pH level. Within 10 days of receiving an application, the test areas were noticeably greener. CBX also precipitated additional turf growth, which served to choke out invasive weeds.


CBX was applied each month at the label rate for over 2 and half years. The turf in each area where CBX was applied showed a dramatic improvement in vitality, thickness, and resistance to drought-like conditions and excessive heat.

• The CBX treated soil was irrigated at an annual average of 40% less than the control area, both areas were irrigated through the use of a “smart” irrigation timer.

• The CBX treated areas saved an average of 50-60% more water than the areas of the park controlled by traditional irrigation controllers as well as maintained a higher quality turf.

• The CBX treated areas showed a net decrease in sodium of over 50% compared to control areas. The areas not treated by CBX demonstrated increased sodium with every irrigation while the CBX treated areas maintained lower levels consistently.

• Penetration in all treated areas has increased substantially creating softer conditions and deeper
infiltration of moisture.

• Weed proliferation decreased on the CBX treated ball field and especially in the CBX treated retention basin. The ball field contained a tremendous amount of fairy ring and other noxious weeds which dissipated over the first year.

• Over-seeded turf on the ball field germinated at a higher than average rate in spite of application
of seed late in the year. The overseed application held into late spring.

• The retention basin treated with CBX eliminated standing water of any depth within a maximum of 3 days. Prior to application, water stood for 1 to 2 months. Control basins not treated with CBX remain compacted and to this day drain over a period of weeks or longer. The turf in the CBX treated area is healthy and thicker. CBX turf vitality choked out weeds in the areas specifically treated with CBX.

According to Salt River Project, CBX outperformed every other product tested in each of the areas being observed (water savings, sodium control, soil penetration, weed prolification, germination rates, percolation rates and overall turf health). Several other products created worse conditions in the areas treated causing increased sodium levels and further compacting the soil.

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