What biological families are stimulated by CBX?
At the core of CBX's power is the interaction with and encouragement of a diversity of biological families. CBX returns the biological balance to the soil even in the harshest of climates and conditions, allowing growers of any kind of plants a better chance at successful harvests and more profit.
AZOTOBACTER - Has the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen.
Azotobacter vinelandii is an aerobic soil-dwelling organism with a wide variety of metabolic capabilities which include the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen by converting it to ammonia.
ACTINOMYCE - Necessary for the formation of humus and making minerals soluble.
Actinomycetes are a higher form of bacteria, similar to fungi, and second in number to bacteria. They are especially important in the formation of humus. They liberate carbon (C), nitrate nitrogen (NO3) and ammonium nitrate (NH4), making nutrients available to plants. Actinomycetes (Streptomyves) possess the ability to bring insoluble phosphates in soil into soluble forms by secreting organic acids such as formic, acetic, propionic, lactic, glycolic, fumaric and succinic acids.
PSEUDOMONAS - Useful in controlling diseases and fungus. Useful in remediating pollutants including hydro-carbons.
A bacterium that can be used to control damping off diseases caused by fungi in the genus Pythium and other genera, as well as diseases caused by phytopathogenic. Pseudomonads are used for bioremediation of various organic compounds, and bio-control of pathogens in agriculture. Pseudomonads fluorescens will partially or completely degrade pollutants such as styrene, TNT and, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. It is used to clean up oil, diesel fuel, gasoline and other oil based products by breaking it down as a source of energy for the biology.
RHIZOBIUM - Allows the plant to most efficiently utilize nitrogen in most forms.
Rhizobium and other bacteria can invade roots and get sugars from the plant. In return, they fix atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use. Rhizobium symbiosis generates more useful nitrogen for plants than all the nitrogen fertilizers produced industrially -- and the symbiosis provides just the right amounts of nitrogen at the right time at virtually no cost to the grower. Rhizobium supplies the host legume with nitrogen in the form of ammonia. Unlike any plant, rhizobia (and some other microorganisms) can fix inert N 2 gas from the atmosphere and supply it to the plant as NH 4+ which can be utilized by the plant.
BACILLUS - Effective against various pathogenic fungi. Provides protection for the plant against most fungal diseases.
A bacterium that is effective against various pathogenic fungi. The bacterium competes with and thereby suppresses plant disease fungal organisms such as Rhizoctonia , Fusarium , Aspergillus , and others. The bacteria continue to live on the root system and provide protection throughout the growing season. Because Bacillus subtilis forms spores, products containing this bacterium are stable.
CYANOBACTERIA - Responsible for nitrogen fixation and liberation in the soil.
CBX cyanobacteria is a special type of microscopic algae that will live in fresh or seawater or on soil surfaces and is capable of using nitrogen from the air. It helps reduce nitrogen loss resulting from ammonia volatilization (these losses can reach 50% of the chemical fertilizer spread) and prevents proliferation in field water of mosquito larvae, which are vectors for severaldiseases, such as malaria and encephalitis.
Fungi are smaller in number than bacteria or actinomycetes, but larger in body mass. Fungi live on dead or dying material and obtain energy by breaking down organic material. Mycorrhizal plants increase the surface area of the root system and hence affords better intake of nutrients such as N, P, K, Zn, etc. and water from the surrounding soil. Its beneficial influence is prominent when the soils are deficient in phosphorus. The mycorrhizal plants are also known to have greater tolerance to heavy toxic metals, to root pathogens, to drought, to high temperature, to saline soils and to adverse soil pH. The plants can withstand water stress condition. The fungi often interact synergistically with rhizobia resulting in better root nodulation, nutrient uptake and plant yield. These fungi increase the surface absorbing area of roots 10 to 100 times thereby greatly improving the ability of the plants to utilize the soil resource.