Looking for a Wastewater solution?
In the Wastewater Industry, ETI has put together a team of leaders, educators and product developers with years of proven success. The result of this brain trust has produced the most powerful biochemical for organic matter oxidation on the market today — CBX ProOxidizer. This product, combined with the knowledge of how a wastewater facility should function, allows us to give you the advantage in solving sludge accumulation, odor and BOD5 problems. Whether you use CBX ProOxidizer or not, we want you to
succeed at your facility, let us help.
What is CBX ProOxidizer?
CBX ProOxidizer is a biochemical formulation, scientifically designed to accelerate the oxidation of bio-solids in wastewater lagoons, digesters, collection systems, percolation basins and spray fields. CBX ProOxidizer produces quicker results, with less maintenance and greater efficiency.
1. CBX ProOxidizer is guaranteed to work.
2. Remove sludge for $.01 to .02 per gallon.
3. Eliminates odors.
4. Lower BOD5 due to organic overloading.
5. Improved clarifier settleability
6. Increased dissolved oxygen concentrations.
7. Increased decant volume and digester capacity in aerobic digesters, for more room to waste solids.
8. Lower fecal coliform.
CBX ProOxidizer tips natures scale to solve problems like these..
CBX ProOxidizer Lagoon case study - Newman, California
66% Sludge reduction at Newman WWTP. H&S Environmental in conjunction with The City of Newman, California started an in-depth sludge reduction study using CBX ProOxidizer. The result was a profoundly improved lagoon system which saved the city hundreds of thousands of dollars in sludge removal costs.......more
CBX ProOxidizer Lagoon case study - Calvert City, Kentucky
2 Million gallons of sludge removed in 16 months, saving Calvert City over $140,000 and still going... On March 25th 2010 Dave Axton with Water Resources Management Inc. and Calvert City Personnel profiled Cells 1 & 2 of the Calvert City wastewater treatment plant......more
Warning: Is your lagoon going to blow up?
When lagoons fail they typically fail fast and they fail hard. When operating a lagoon under failed conditions there are no quick solutions to reverse things. By this point, State and Federal agencies are calling....more
SRP's NAUSP - Black Plug Layer & Water Banking case study
As is common in other similar facilities, “black plug layer” (an anaerobic slime layer) forms in the top layer of soil “capping” the percolation pond and inhibiting the absorption of water into the ground. The problem had become so severe at NAUSP that water banking operations had ground to a halt. The resolution was to mobilize a bulldozer equipped with a 7 foot....more
CBX in Solid Waste Clean Up
CBX works QUICKLY and NATURALLY to degrade solid waste. This process not only eliminates solid waste build-up, but also helps eliminate obnoxious odors. CBX contains a combination of specialized enzymes, organic acids, natural buffers, natural surfactants and a broad range of...more